Meet the BeWild Educational Roster
Our animal ambassadors come from a variety of backgrounds and each one has their own unique story. Many of our ambassadors were surrendered to BeWild by their previous owners. Some were adopted from other exotic rescues. Some were purchased from responsible breeders for educational purposes. A few of these animals we’ve had so long that they were actually our own childhood pets!
Did you know you can sponsor one of our animal ambassadors? Simply set up a monthly donation in any amount and add the name of the animal you’d like to sponsor to the comments!
Coda the Eastern Screech Owl
Sponsored by Jenny Deview
Mose the Lesser Tenrec
Sponsored by Autumn Arenas
Dorian the Argentine Tegu
Sponsored by Rachael Rodriguez
Reina the Beaded Lizard
(Not available for programs)
Arthur the Blue Tongue Skink
Yerba the Chahoua Gecko
Kuzco the Chameleon Gecko
Palatino the Sandfish Skink
Taro the Chinese Water Dragon
Sponsored by Monique Wilson (Not available for programs)
Noumea the Crested Gecko
Rufus the Crested Gecko
Sponsored by Maddison Wise (Not available for programs)
Cinnamon the African Fat Tail Gecko
Achilles the Jeweled Lacerta
Achilles was born with no feet!
Oolong the Gargoyle Gecko
Sterling the Kenyan Zebra Skink
Sponsored by Kiley Coates
(Not available for programs)
Zen the Leachianus Gecko
Prometheus the Prehensile-Tailed Skink
Mustard & Acorn the Aldabra Tortoises
Thistle the Alligator Snapping Turtle
Sponsored by Andrea Oliva (Not available for programs)
Rue the Three-Toed Box Turtle
Honey the Eastern Box Turtle
Sponsored by Kerry Raterink
Sweet Caroline the Eastern Box Turtle
Dijon the Eastern Box Turtle
Sponsored by Kimberly Rivera
Reginald the Gulf Coast Box Turtle
Cora the Russian Tortoise
Quinn the Ball Python
Tiberius the Ball Python
Ruby the Boa Constrictor
Ginger the Boa Constrictor
(Not available for programs)
Dandelion the Burmese Python
Sponsored by Katrina Szadek
Estelle the Corn Snake
Fury the Eastern Hognose
Ace the Eastern Ratsnake
Ari the Eastern Ratsnake
Cass th Eastern Ratsnake
Ferdinand the Rat Snake x Bull Snake Hybrid
Guillermo the Red Blood Python
Lamborghini the Bullsnake
(Not available for programs)
Huckleberry the Eastern Garter Snake
Chai the Children's Python
Sponsored by Katie Rivera
Tambi the Kenyan Sand Boa
Alastor the Red-Bellied Water Snake
(Not available for programs)
Selkie the Axolotl Salamanders
Sponsored by Veronica Calemine
Winston the Barred Tiger Salamander
Turnip the Cuban Tree Frog
Tarantulas, scorpions, cockroaches, and hermit crabs!